Welcome to Queen of Peace!
It is a blessing to have you as a member of our historic community and eager to have you join us if you are not yet a member. We desire to learn how to best serve you and that each person of our flock be an active parishioner through faithful attendance at Mass and regular support of Queen of Peace with their time, talent and treasure. We strongly encourage each parishioner to formally register, as registration is essential to enroll in Family Faith Formation (religious education), requesting letters from the Parish, and celebrating the Sacraments. Below are the mission and vision of our parish, which we invite you to help us fulfill.
The mission of Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church is to form a community that lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We seek the face of Christ by striving to:
- Form a community of faith, fellowship, worship and service.
- Serve those in material and spritual need.
- Model a society of peace and justice.
- Live a life of holiness flowing from the Eucharist, Reconciliation, the Scriptures, and deovtion to Mary, the Mother of God.